Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Forgot to post this....

This a small update on the Lamb fam:

Robert is working hard to finish up grad school at Auburn University. With that and family, he has little free time. When he does have some he like to play board games with family and he looks forward to the occasional guys night. He will graduate in May and he looks forward to going back to teaching high school.

I was called to serve as Primary President at Church in May and I am having lots of fun working with the kiddies. I spend most of my time chasing Austin and keeping busy around the house. I can be found at the zoo, shopping, strolling in the neighborhood or at the park. Robert calls me a busy-bee and Austin is picking up on that quick. We like to go, go, go! I love being a stay-at-home mom and focusing on my home and family.

Austin is growing so fast and we are enjoying watching him learn and develop. He seems to change daily and his personality is becoming more interesting and defined. Some of his favorite things to do right now are a helping daddy feed the dogs, when Robert says he going to feed them Austin quickly runs to the food to help get the cans or runs to the back door. He loves being outside, with the dogs or just running. He loves playing with his cousins and wrestling Robert and I. His favorite toys are cars and he loves his books too. He is our little vegetarian, loves fruits and vegetables but doesn't care for meat, although he will occasionally surprise us and eat some. He tries to to say everything and is pretty sure that we all understand the babbling. He seems to learn new words everyday and is so determined. When we decided to take away the bottle he started sleeping through the night, FINALLY! We are so proud of this little guy and look forward to the new experiences and adventures to come in 2013.

This year we want to spend time doing projects around the house, get more organized, be more health minded with diet and exercise, be more optimistic, be more dedicated to family home evening and scripture study. We are a work in progress and are always striving to be better individuals and a stronger family. Setting goals on a regular basis seems to help us improve a little each year.

I love my family and feel so blessed to have them!

Here is to happy and prosperous 2013

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