Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Forgot to post this....

This a small update on the Lamb fam:

Robert is working hard to finish up grad school at Auburn University. With that and family, he has little free time. When he does have some he like to play board games with family and he looks forward to the occasional guys night. He will graduate in May and he looks forward to going back to teaching high school.

I was called to serve as Primary President at Church in May and I am having lots of fun working with the kiddies. I spend most of my time chasing Austin and keeping busy around the house. I can be found at the zoo, shopping, strolling in the neighborhood or at the park. Robert calls me a busy-bee and Austin is picking up on that quick. We like to go, go, go! I love being a stay-at-home mom and focusing on my home and family.

Austin is growing so fast and we are enjoying watching him learn and develop. He seems to change daily and his personality is becoming more interesting and defined. Some of his favorite things to do right now are a helping daddy feed the dogs, when Robert says he going to feed them Austin quickly runs to the food to help get the cans or runs to the back door. He loves being outside, with the dogs or just running. He loves playing with his cousins and wrestling Robert and I. His favorite toys are cars and he loves his books too. He is our little vegetarian, loves fruits and vegetables but doesn't care for meat, although he will occasionally surprise us and eat some. He tries to to say everything and is pretty sure that we all understand the babbling. He seems to learn new words everyday and is so determined. When we decided to take away the bottle he started sleeping through the night, FINALLY! We are so proud of this little guy and look forward to the new experiences and adventures to come in 2013.

This year we want to spend time doing projects around the house, get more organized, be more health minded with diet and exercise, be more optimistic, be more dedicated to family home evening and scripture study. We are a work in progress and are always striving to be better individuals and a stronger family. Setting goals on a regular basis seems to help us improve a little each year.

I love my family and feel so blessed to have them!

Here is to happy and prosperous 2013

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a busy Christmas season this year. Austin was sick with a cold, ear infections, RSV, ear infections again and a stomach bug all within a months time. But luckily he got a break during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 
Here is how we spent most of the holiday:
Lisa took our family pictures and we love how they turned out!

Austin was too sick to attend the Lamb Christmas party but he opened presents at home later that evening.
We spent a few days at Ma and Papa's house. Chasing the neighborhood cat and playing with family. Papa recorded himself reading The Night Before Christmas on a recordable book for Austin. So cool!
For Christmas Eve we went to dinner with Robert's parents and Erin and then home to open gifts!
Austin quickly got the hang of opening presents and discovering a prize inside. But after unwrapping his bath crayons he was no linger interested in anymore gifts. 
He scribbled on the gifts and scrap paper and then took a late bath to try them out in the tub :)
Christmas morning was sooo much fun. He woke up at 6am sharp as usual and after waking him up with his favorite early morning snack, grapes and milk, he was ready to see what Santa brought.
The first toy he ran to was his large Tonka truck, "Whoa, wook!" He must have said that 6 times during his excitement.
He was most interested in his cars and car ramp.
We were thrilled and surprised at his excitement. He loved his candy bottle that he found in his stocking of goodies and sucked on it most of the morning while playing.
Brian, Lisa, Gavin and Olivia came over Christmas Day for lunch and playing.
The morning after Christmas it was time to take down our poor, dried-out tree. Austin was anxious to follow Robert out to the road.
After the tree we spent the evening playing games with the Holt family. Austin LOVES playing with his cousins :)

Although it was quite the challenge keeping our mischievous boy from removing all the ornaments on the tree and we were all a bit under the weather off and on, this was hands down the best Christmas for the Lamb family! 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Lamb Cousins

Austin enjoyed spending the day with Gavin & Olivia today

They played in the pool
I love these kiddos
Olivia was making sure he didn't dry out
Austin was all tuckered out but Gavin and Olivia enjoyed a movie with Uncle Robert
 After the pool they wanted to take a bath
And then Gavin attacked the "giant" (Robert) and caged the "lion" (me). Olivia kept yelling "HELP!" and Austin was just crawling all over like, I can play this game too! fun times!

Gavin is such a great older brother and cousin!

Fun on the 4th!

Our Independence Day celebration was super low-key and relaxing.
Stayed home, watched a Red Box rental late that night and didn't even venture out for fire works.
Austin was super tired and I didn't have the heart 
to keep him up and make him miserable for a few fireworks.
He played in his little pool  and had so much fun.
Here are a few picture of the cutie.
Seriously I took like 40 (at least) and had to go through deleting, 
this is still a small portion of what I kept :)
LOTS of splashing!

testing the water

closest thing to a smile I could capture, this was all serious business
annnnd, time to get out!   

Friday, June 15, 2012

Am I letting myself go???

Let me start by saying that I have never been happier and more satisfied than I am at this stage in my life. I feel complete with Robert and Austin. Robert and I focused for so many years on having a baby and now we have him....and now I am not quite sure what to do next...
I am a planner and I love to look toward tomorrow. It makes me happy and excited to anticipate what is next... I do believe that I have stalled out with my planner personality. Lately I am a 'living in the moment' kind of gal. Don't get me wrong, I like this too but I am coming to realize that this is not the only thing about me that has changed in the past year. I think I might be....LETTING MYSELF GO??? Let us not focus on that probability possibility, I need to focus on what I need to start back or just start doing. I made myself a little pick-me-up list that has the single purpose of motivating me to focus on me...not too much, but enough to get back to having hobbies and interests...I cannot even think of one hobby that I have right now...this is not a good thing!
Anyways, the LIST:

Start sewing again (maybe throw in some writing and drawing if I can handle sewing)
Eat healthier
Get a massage...this one is for you Melanie ;)
Go shopping for myself
Join the gym *don't judge me :P*
Read a book
Do something fun for my 30th birthday...is that a three zero???
Only drink 1 carbonated drink each week (they are not doing the mid section any favors)
Take a good family picture, like frame-worthy
Plan a awesome party for Austin’s birthday
Go on a weekly date with Robert
Plan a relaxing vacation
Take a couples ballroom dance class with Robert
Plan and host a Girls’ Night
Update my blog at least monthly


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Has it been that long?!?!?

I cannot believe it has been since February since I last posted. There is no way to recap so let me just start fresh...again! 

Robert is finishing up his Summer term and delivering pizzas at night. 
I am busy being mommy. I have been planning Austin's birthday party. Some may say this is a bit early, but hey! a lot goes into a kid's first birthday  :) I was recently called as the Primary President at Church and I am busy trying to figure out the whole primary thing. Who knew so much went into to this calling!!! 
Austin is getting so big! He is crawling like crazy, pulling up and "cruising". In the past week he started waving 'bye-bye' and standing alone. He is still waking up all through the night. Separation anxiety is in full swing and he is 100% momma's boy right now! He loves being outside, exploring the house, playing in his room and sneaking in mommy & daddy's room when the door is left open. He hates having is clothes changed and LOVES taking a bath or playing in the pool. He is our sweet boy that loves to snuggle and play with hair :)

I am not vowing to post more often or anything...but hopefully it won't take so long next time!

Here are a few pictures of our adventures in recent months...
We visited Papa

Played in the Park

cut my hair

played with cousins

got a visit from the Easter Bunny

Yay! Easter toys

splashed in the pool

bowling with friends

eat, eat, eat!
took a trip to Florida

Played at the beach